Tag: USB

Blackberry Bold 9700, Apakah Sebuah Perubahan Yang Nyata Dari Pendahulunya

Di antara handphone terbaru yang diproduksi oleh Research in Motion, BlackBerry Bold 9700 telah mengadopsi kemampuan dari BlackBerry Bold 9000. BlackBerry Bold 9700 dilempar ke pasaran satu setengah tahun setelah BlackBerry Bold 9000 dirilis dan cukup sukses di pasaran. Walaupun telah canggih dan mutakhir, RIM masih membuat perbaikan yang diperlukan untuk BlackBerry Bold 9700. Kemunculan Bold 9700 di Indonesia berdekatan dengan peluncuran generasi penerus dari BlackBerry Storm 9500.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 melengkapi berbagai produsen di bidang smartphone semi-touch. BlackBerry Bold pendahulunya, BlackBerry Bold 9000 tidak sepenuhnya meyakinkan, terutama karena kemampuan multimedia dianggap kurang mencukupi. BlackBerry Bold 9700, apakah sebuah perubahan yang nyata dari pendahulunya?

BlackBerry Bold 9700 sangat mirip dengan BlackBerry Bold 9000, terutama jika kita tidak melihat terlalu dekat. Hanya BlackBerry Bold 9700 sedikit lebih ramping dan ringan serta keypad QWERTY yang penuh. Kesamaannya pinggiran logam, casing berwarna hitam dan kulit plastik hitam di bagian belakang, untuk pegangan yang lebih baik. Detail lain yang cukup manis : penutup baterai dihiasi dengan logo BlackBerry yang berwarna perak, ditutupi dengan kulit imitasi. Tidak banyak perubahan, tetapi itu menambah kesan mewah dari sebuah smartphone. BlackBerry Bold 9700 juga telah menggunakan BlackBerry OS 5, sama seperti BlackBerry Storm2 dan BlackBerry Storm 9530.

Kartu MicroSD untuk menambah kapasitas memori eksternal tepat terletak di antara penutup baterai dan baterai. BlackBerry Bold 9700 dan BlackBerry Bold 9000 sama sama menggunakan baterai lithium ion 1500 mAh.

Di sisi kanan layar, kita menemukan tombol untuk mengontrol volume suara, dan tombol kedua yang berfungsi sebagai jalan pintas default untuk kamera 3,2 mega piksel yang meliputi flash dan autofocus. Port untuk USB dan jack headset 3,5 mm juga terletak di sisi kanan layar. Di sisi kiri layar, tombol lain yang diprogram juga, mengarah ke browser. Layar berwarna resolusi tinggi 480 x 360 piksel.

Dibandingkan dengan BlackBerry Bold versi pertama, navigasi BlackBerry Bold 9700 menggunakan trackpad optik, sama seperti navigasi pada BlackBerry Curve 8520 Gemini. Dengan trackpad optik memungkinkan navigasi lebih cepat dan halus untuk memilih menu. Antarmuka tetap sama seperti pada versi sebelumnya : ikon yang dipilih akan ditampilkan dengan “fokus”, artinya, dengan sebuah sorotan berwarna biru.

Salah satu kelemahan utama adalah pada kamera yang hanya memiliki resolusi 3,2 mega piksel. Tetapi dengan touchpad, BlackBerry Bold 9700 lebih menyenangkan untuk digunakan, dengan navigasi halus dan tanpa suara di smartphone Anda.

The Gadget With A Gallery Of Bests

Apart from the concept of communication through voice calls, the modern smart phones could provide you with a number of advantages such as internet browsing facility, multimedia widgets, fast-forwarded communication techniques and many more. The smart phones enable you to have a face to face chat with a person, who is at a fairly far distance from you. Since this much they provide, it is really inevitable to imagine the life without mobile phones. In line with this, the smart phone mania Blackberry endlessly invents and introduces smart phones, that proves yet more advanced than the former releases!

Blackberry takes immense care to make it probable that the smart phones look great, sleek, stylish and of course smart! All the users go crazy with Blackberry smart phones, as they are integrated with innovative and hi-tech features. When it comes to conference calls, video features (video calling, video recording) and such facilities, Blackberry outstands its peers. These chic phones support high quality display with high clarity and quality graphics, all these enhanced with a large and wide display screen. The high calibration touch screen is an added comfort signifying the expected performance. Almost each phone from Blackberry is integrated with a high resolution camera that supports the users with high quality image capture and excellent video recording flairs.

As for the track ball which facilitates fast navigation, it was primarily introduced into the field of mobiles by Blackberry. If you desire to stay in touch with your near and dear ones for ever, it is not a matter to bother over, as Blackberry offers Wi-Fi connectivity allowing you to access the internet at a fast speed. While this Wi-Fi connectivity is available in the high end smart phones alone, all the low cost Blackberry mobile phones support many useful features such as GPRS, Bluetooth, EDGE and USB interface.

While planning to buy a Blackberry, you have two options right in front of you – the first one is to go for a brand new Blackberry smart phone -the second choice is to pick out a best Blackberry mobile phone from the pile of already used smart phones. Let’s discuss in detail about the merits and demerits in opting for the above choices.

Without any probable doubts, buying a brand new Blackberry hand phone is the best option! The latest smart phones from Blackberry includes a number of phenomenal feature including email, media player, chat messenger, arcade, address book, camera and many more communication and multimedia knacks. The extraordinary battery life enables you to leave the phone in standby state for a number of days. You can find a lot of best deals on the internet. Today, a variety of websites offer the latest Blackberry smart phones for best deals and with great offers. The only thing that is going to matter in this context is the source, from where you ought to buy the hand phone. Buying it from an established, trusted website is beyond doubt the best way. This will also save you a quite good amount of money, when compared to buying from a store.

Now, when we consider the option of buying an already used mobile phone, the biggest advantage is that we can save a great deal of money. Hence, the best way to keep up with the technology advancement, besides saving money, is to purchase a used smart phone. The easiest way to get hold of a used Blackberry mobile is through online. It is advisable that you buy it from a trusted source with reputable records of sales, to avoid the future inconveniences. Also while opting to buy a used mobile phone, it is suggested that you make sure of getting the unlock codes. If you ignore this procedure, then you’ll have to hire a third party company to do it for you.