When You Should Not Buy A Used Cell Phone

The consumption of mobiles has increased drastically since the past few years. From a comfort to a commodity, the humble cell phone toppled inferior technologies like the pager and landlines in a very short span of time. Since the mobile is a technical device, there are many models that are launched, the technology becomes obsolete and then the user gets a new one. Due to this, there are several working model cell phones that are sold in the grey or the second hand market.

These used cell phones are available in the second hand market for a fraction of a price that they would be available when first launched. While buying a used phone might seem quite a lucrative prospect, there are three situations when you should not buy a used cell phone. Here are the top three.

When the Shop is too far from your house:

Basically, there is no warranty for a cell that is available in the used phone market – unless it is still in the actual warranty that it came with. So, in the rare event that the used cell that you bought does not work, you have only yourself to blame if the shop is too far from your place of work or place of residence.

When you want only the latest technology:

If you cannot compromise on the technology that you want to use, you should not compromise with the price that you are willing to pay. Used mobile phones are quite obsolete, and you would be quite lucky if you get a used mobile phone that is around a year old. If you find a phone that is six to eight months old, there are chances that the mobile phone was a flop in the market, or that the phone is a faulty piece.

If you want to resell the mobile phone:

If you are buying a mobile phone not just to use it but also as an investment – in which you can sell it after a couple of years – you should definitely not buy a used mobile phone or a second hand phone. A used phone has no resale value when it sold from a consumer to a shopkeeper. A shopkeeper may still use a second hand mobile phone for its spare parts and various uses, but a consumer will not find any resale value.

These are the three situations in which you should not buy a used cell phone.